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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Editing your Specialties and Preferred Hospitals

In this issue, we will discuss how to edit your preferences by logging onto MSOC’s website at and the benefits in doing so.

As mentioned in the previous issue, keeping your calendar updated is extremely important and invaluable to you getting shifts. Of equal importance is ensuring that the specialties you would like to work in and the hospitals you would like to work at are designated as ‘preferred’ in your profile. The reason for this is that our technology not only looks at your calendar but also at your preferences before matching you for shifts. For instance, if you say that you can work all day on Fridays but don’t select any specialties or hospitals to be preferred, you won’t get auto-booked for shifts on Fridays. However, if you put that you prefer to work ER at Norwegian American and Advocate Trinity, you will get auto-booked for ER shifts on Fridays at either of these hospitals.

Now that you know the importance of editing your specialties and hospitals, we have created a video that walks you through this process in detail:

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