1. Are you interested in Travel Nursing?
Of all of the RN’s that responded we were surprised to find that almost half are interested in Travel Nursing. We will keep you posted as soon as we have travel contracts ready to offer you.
2. If you answered Yes to Question #1 above what is most important?
For those of you interested in Travel Nursing, Location and Rate were the 2 most important criteria for deciding whether or not to take a travel assignment.
3. How many agencies are you currently registered with?
According to the Staffing Industry Analysts the average number of agencies used by temporary healthcare workers is around 2.5. In our case the average is 1.4 which means that we have a higher than average score relative to loyalty. We believe that as the market conditions improve and Med Staff On-Call becomes preferred at more and more hospitals we will become a one stop shop for those that choose the benefits of temp staffing.
4. How likely are you to refer a friend or co-worker to MSOC?
Over 95% of those registered said they would maybe or definitely refer a friend or co-worker to Med Staff On-Call. We are thrilled that our numbers keep improving. If you answered Maybe then let us know what it will take to get you to answer Definitely next month.
5. What feedback do you have to make MSOC better?
MEMBER COMMENT: I would like to know the assignment in advance and time.
MSOC RESPONSE: With most (>95%) of our shifts, the hospital specifies the specialty and unit which we pass on to you in the e-mails and text messages we send. In the case of CNAs, one of our hospitals chooses to notify you of the unit when you check in at the staffing office.
MEMBER COMMENT: You all think of everything before we even realize we need it. Keep it up Med Staff On-Call
MSOC RESPONSE: Thank you for that compliment. When we created Med Staff On-Call, we brought together experts from IT, Nursing, Agency Staffing and Hospital Staffing. Our goal was to rewrite the way staffing was done. Since we started with a clean slate we were able to think outside the box and leave all of the baggage from the traditional staffing process behind. We believe that staffing in the 21st century should be convenient, efficient and easy. If you can bank online, buy books online, renew your license online; then why not choose your shifts online.
MEMBER COMMENT: More hospitals on the south side with day shifts and also in Indiana. Feedback when you refer a person, about their hours for your bonus. Thanks for keeping me up on your email list.
MSOC RESPONSE: We are constantly working to add new health centers. If you have specific suggestions for hospitals that you want to work at let us know and we will target those hospitals. Regarding your comment about feedback take a look at the new “My Team” tab. Here we have given you exactly what you are asking for. The section “My Team’s Activity” shows your referrals which are active, how many shifts they have worked and whether or not you have been paid for that referral. The section “My Onboarding Group” shows your referrals that are still in the registered status and how close they are to finishing the process. The section “My Pending Referrals” shows the people that you have referred that have yet to login to the system to start working on their profile. The section “ Refer a Friend” can be used to submit a referral right from the “my Team” tab.
MEMBER COMMENT: Keep up the great work.
MSOC RESPONSE: Thank you. Keep sending us your feedback.
MEMBER COMMENT: Add face-to-face contact to your operations because a computer may not always be able to answer follow up questions.
MSOC RESPONSE: We are available by phone 24 X 7 to answer any questions you might have. We created our automated staffing platform to do the heavy lifting. That way you get the messages faster than any person with a phone and you have total control over your own schedule. We believe our primary role is to support you by answering any questions you might have regarding our process.
MEMBER COMMENT: If alerts were available about positions in a text message. I have cricket and I cannot receive the message on time.
MSOC RESPONSE: We recognize that our 2-way text messaging does not work with Cricket because they do not support SMS text messaging with short codes. A short code is a 5 digit number that businesses pay for so that you don’t have to remember a long phone number. It is kind of like having a vanity license plate. Our short code is 95495. We are working on a solution to support either 1 way text messaging to Cricket or a voice activated system were you can use your voice to accept shifts rather than text messages.
MEMBER COMMENT: You guys are doing an excellent job!!!
MSOC RESPONSE: Thank you for validating us and our unique approach to temporary staffing.
MEMBER COMMENT: I feel that MSOC is a great way to get into the Medical world; it will give me the opportunity to show my skills and to learn procedures in the nursing field with the more experienced nurses and medical Assistant.
MSOC RESPONSE: Thank you for the positive feedback!
MEMBER COMMENT: You have always lost some of my materials that I fax to you.
MSOC RESPONSE: We did have a problem with our system which was causing documents to be deleted. We solved the problem in May and haven’t had a problem since. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope that you’ll give us another chance.
MEMBER COMMENT: I only have a problem with accepting the shifts, and not getting confirmed for the shift.
MSOC RESPONSE: Hospitals typically choose the staff that they know first and since the volume of shifts available is still low there may be enough know staff to meet their needs. During peaks in demand the hospitals will choose new staff to satisfy their needs and that is the best time to “get in” with a new hospital. I know it is hard but you have to be patient, persistent and flexible. When you get confirmed for your first shift make sure you don’t cancel. The first shift is the hardest to get. After you work and show that you can do a good job you are no longer new to that hospital and unit and they are much more likely to use you in the future.
MEMBER COMMENT: I just want to say that, shifts are hard to get these days, especially for me. Even though I've already went to orientation at resurrection health, whenever there is a shift, they never confirm me; and that makes me think the orientations are a waste of time, so please do something about this situation.
MSOC RESPONSE: Resurrection was a new hospital system for us and it took some time for us to build up a reputation. Since sending this survey we have started to see results as we are getting several shifts at Resurrection, Our Lady of Resurrection, Resurrection St. Joseph and West Suburban.
For more information about Med Staff On-Call visit our web site at http://www.medstaffoncall.com/.

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