This is the third in a series of catch up postings to share all of our survey results with MSOC members.
1. Please choose the manufacturer of your mobile device.
While we were hoping to see some clear winners, it looks like there are a variety of devices in use, which is good. Based on this feedback we have decided not to focus on a specific platform but instead to focus on a solution that works in a mobile web browser. While not as feature rich as an iPhone application, for example, a mobile web application will work for everyone as long as you use a smart phone. If you don’t you still have the good old text messaging, but you won’t be able to do things like checking out right on your phone.
2. Assuming that you work at least part time for a staffing agency, please select the option that applies to you.
More than half of our staff have secured some type of staff position. This is a sign of the times we live in where it can be difficult to rely on supplement staffing. Of the half that do not have a staff position about 25% work full time agency and the rest is a mix of those doing agency part time and those not working at all.
3. How likely are you to refer a friend or co-worker to MSOC?
Over 90% of those registered said they would definitely to likely to refer a friend or co-worker. We are thrilled with those results. You have validated that although the MSOC model is quite different from a traditional staffing model, our members like the way we work. We believe the biggest challenge we face today is providing enough work to satisfy the needs of our community of medical professionals. If there are other things you think we need to improve please let us know in the May 2010 survey.
4. What feedback do you have to make MSOC better?
MEMBER COMMENT: I have entered everything they asked for but have not had any response.
MSOC RESPONSE: We respond to all questions sent through the system in less than 24 hours. We also review recently validated sections within 24 hours. If you have not received a response, please call us at 888-270-8374 so we can find out where you are in the onboarding process.
MEMBER COMMENT: I like the way you all communicate.
MSOC RESPONSE: Thank you. One of our biggest differentiators is in the way we communicate. We don’t make pesky phone calls begging you to take a shift like other agencies do. Our onboarding process is no different. We give you the tools you need to become active at your own pace. If you get stuck, you can send a message. We will respond promptly.
MEMBER COMMENT: Most of my concerns were technical and was rectified immediately. I appreciate being able to express a concern to my employer and have it taken care. MSOC staff is friendly and courteous, which makes for a good work environment.
MSOC RESPONSE: Thank you. Here at MSOC, we strive to make our website as user friendly as possible. Because of the feedback and questions we receive from our members, our website is always improving and will continue to improve to make our features very easy to use.
MEMBER COMMENT: If there was a way to filter the text messages, or turn them off at certain times, I would still be interested in using them. I don't use the text messages to my phone now because I was getting too many.
MSOC RESPONSE: The best way to get work is to post your preferred availability in our system. Then turn off your phone and go to sleep. Our web based platform will do the work for you. As soon as a shift comes in that matches your preferences the computer will accept the shift on your behalf. You just need to check at least 2 hours before your shift to see if you were confirmed by the hospital.
MEMBER COMMENT: Overall, I've been happy with MSOC!
MSOC RESPONSE: Thank you. We are very happy with you. We are here to serve you and create the most efficient staffing platform in the country where our members comes first.
MEMBER COMMENT: Online application is very long
MSOC RESPONSE: It may seem long because you are doing all the work. All of the information requested is required by the hospitals that we serve. In a traditional staffing agency you typically go to the office with a stack of documents and someone else does the work for you. Don’t think there isn’t a cost associated with that. Due to their high overhead, they will never be able to match our rates.
MEMBER COMMENT: I would like to be one of ones you can call on when there is an opening. I would like to be one of the ones you brag about that is reliable and hard working.
MSOC RESPONSE: I love your attitude. Let us know what we can do to get you the work that you want.
MEMBER COMMENT: I think you should have a talk with Mercy Hospital in Chicago and start accepting our shifts. I have talked with couple people in our group and it is thing happening to them and since Mercy seems to have the highest opening shift for agencies.
MSOC RESPONSE: The problem with Mercy is similar to what we have seen with other hospitals in the past. Not only is MSOC new but, most of our staff are not familiar names to the unit managers that choose their staff. If the hospital can get someone they know to work a shift, they will take that option first. If they have a real need and can’t get someone they know they will take a chance with a new person they don’t know. Just hang in there and once you get your first shift you will have a much easier time getting work there going forward, assuming you do a great job.
MEMBER COMMENT: MSOC's willingness to maintain a pro-nurse community is the highest plus ever. You are already constantly improving your services for the nurse and the clients you serve. Right now I can't think of an improvement; but, you are always willing to listen if I come up with something later. Thanks for being who you are.
MSOC RESPONSE: Thank you. We know that if we can make a great service for you that we will all benefit in the end.
MEMBER COMMENT: Your online application is acceptable. It asks for information that people don't normally want to put on a web site such as a copy of their social security card and other various items. I have filled out the application but some of it doesn't work and it is still saying I have not completed it.
MSOC RESPONSE: Regarding fields or sections that are not working for you please contact us and let us know what the problem is. We will make sure that any problems found with the system are fixed first before adding any new features to the system.
MEMBER COMMENT: Contract further southwest of Joliet
MSOC RESPONSE: We are green and growing. Let us know which hospitals you want to go to and we will contact those facilities to establish a contract with them.
MEMBER COMMENT: Well not everyone has text messaging is there another means to receive job news such as e-mail. That is my hold up. I have no texting and cannot afford it yet.
MSOC RESPONSE: Over 90% of all interaction with our system is done via text messaging. If you don’t have text messaging you can use our web site to do everything you can with texts and more. The main benefit to text messaging is that you almost always have your cell phone with you. That means you can accept shifts no matter where you are. If you want to work without texting make sure you put your preferred availability in the computer and let the system work for you. Otherwise it will be much more difficult for you to get work in this very competitive job market.
MEMBER COMMENT: Like that everyone receives text messages for shifts.
MSOC RESPONSE: If you have registered your phone and are fully active you will get notified of all shifts that you qualify for. If someone is not receiving text messages it is either because they have not registered their phone or they have not become active yet.
For more information about Med Staff On-Call visit our web site at
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