MSOC would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! Each passing year provides people with a chance to start fresh and make resolutions. In the healthcare industry, you are constantly working with people under stressful circumstances and it can be difficult to keep your cool. Nonetheless, it is important for healthcare professionals to maintain a good reputation so that they can be invited to return to the hospitals they would like to work. As a provider of nurses and CNAs to hospitals, MSOC realizes how important it is to have quality medical staff on our team. Sadly, in 2008, we had to let 4 MSOC nurses go because their actions didn’t fit with the MSOC Community’s commitment to quality. Late calls and no-shows to shifts are two things our community cannot tolerate. Hospitals also take a tough stance on no-shows and late calls – they automatically mark those nurses as DNR (Do Not Return) for their facility. In fact, after each shift you work, the hospital’s staffing personnel grades you based on the charge nurse’s feedback. Based on the scores you receive, you may become a preferred nurse for that hospital (with a high score) and be requested back time and time again. Your reputation is with you at all times and carries from hospital to hospital. Unfortunately, once your reputation is tarnished, it is difficult to get it back.
What are some good ways to improve your reputation? Be reliable- never be late for your shift. Be friendly and helpful- treat everyone around you equally and with respect. Be professional- dress for success-neat and clean. Following these tips and using common sense will earn you the highest rates in all of Chicago, exactly what the highest quality nurses in Chicago deserve.